Jennifer Brooks » Twitter for Beginners

Twitter for Beginners

  • Watch this video on using Twitter in the classroom, "How to Use Twitter in the Classroom"

Learning Intentions
  • Participants will evaluate how Twitter can be used to grow professionally through PLN connections.
  • Participants will read and discuss the RCS policies on posting to a professional educator Twitter account.
  • Participants will utilize Twitter to share learning outside the classroom.
Success Criteria
  • I can create a professional Twitter account, including updating my Profile.
  • I can apply general Twitter vocabulary such as, 'tweet'; 'hasttag'; 'PLN'; 'Follow', etc.
  • I can compose tweets that reflect my goals for using Twitter (learning, sharing, collaborating)
  • I can search and follow a Twitter account.
  • I can search for relevant account and Chats using a hashtag.
  1. Create a Twitter Account
  2. Develop your profile
  3. Follow accounts based on your Twitter goals.
  4. #hashtags
  5. tweet