Jennifer Brooks » Interactive Video

Interactive Video

What Makes Interactive Video Effective?
  • To enhance the effectiveness of this strategy, it should come after teacher delivered core instruction.
  • Use videos in the 2-4 minute range.
  • Add questions with purpose that are relevant and rigorous.  Think about adding questions at various levels of the Knowledge Taxonomy.
  • Multiple viewings allow for deeper understanding.
  • The purpose should be set with an essential question before students view the video.
  • Look for videos that are relevant or use this strategy in station rotation so another activity can build the real world connection.
Key Strategies for Interactive Video
  • Active Viewing- students take notes and respond to questions to help them comprehend the content of the video.
    • Reactive Viewing-students think critically about the videos they are watching and react to what they are learning.
    • Show and Tell:  Show the video to students and let them tell you their reflections/responses in writing or via multimedia throughout the video. ( Playposit has a Discussion Board).
    • Tell and Show: Students tell the teacher what he or she thinks the answer is to a question at the beginning of the video then the answer is revealed throughout the video.  He or she can determine if his/her original assertions were correct.